Markie Post

Markie Post was born in Walnut Creek, California. She started her career in film and television productions like "Card Sharks" (1978) or "The New Card Sharks” (1986). Later, she produced such projects as Double Dare (1976). She has also appeared on TV programs such as 1st to Die (2003) and E! True Hollywood Story (1996) and Electra Woman (2000). Her most notable TV part was "Christine Sullivan" in Night Court (1984). From 1984 to 1992 , she was a part of 156 shows. She was the daughter of Marylee (Armstrong) Post, poet, and noted nuclear physical scientist Richard Freeman Post (November 14 1918 - April 7 15th, 2015). Alongside her second husband Michael A. Ross, she had two children: Katie Ross (born June 26, 1986) and Daisy Ross (30 March 1990). Was born in Palo Alto, California, and grew up in Walnut Creek, California. Attended Las Lomas High School in Walnut Creek, California; she was a cheerleader. Lewis & Clark College in Portland Oregon awarded her a Bachelor of Arts degree. She was trick roping in The Wildest West Show of the Stars (1986). Her ashes were later returned home to Michael A. Ross, her husband. She was a lifetime Democrat. Markie Post passed away on 7 August 2021, three months before what would be her 71st birthday, which was on November 4. She passed away 27 days following Charles Robinson, her Night Court (1984), co-star, died on the 11th of July 2021. Though they were two completely different shows Night Court (1984), which she played ended in 1992 when Christine Sullivan leaving for Washington DC. Hearts Afire (1992) where Post was a new character Georgie lahti (who actually had previously worked for a time in Washington DC before moving to an area that was smaller) was released in 1992.



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