Ava DuVernay and Autumn Riley
Ava DuVernay's birth occurred on the 24th of August 1972 in Long Beach California. When she was a young girl, DuVernay's aunt Denise encouraged her passion for artistic expression and creative thinking. She worked as night nurses to afford her aunt to have the space she required during the day for the love of art, literature, and theater. DuVernay enjoyed the movie West Side Story, which she brought to her. DuVernay learned that art is a great vehicle for social activism. DuVernay was educated by her mother who was a social sassy and pushed DuVernay to express herself through art. DuVernay lived in Compton during the majority of her youth, however she was able to spend summers with her father's extended family living in Lowndes County Alabama. The father of DuVernay's mother recalled protests for civil rights that took place across the Edmund Pettus Bridge and the close-by town Selma in Alabama. The summers she spent in Alabama's Selma be the inspiration for her later an animated film on Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. DuVernay finished Saint Joseph High School at Lakewood in the state of California in 1990. DuVernay enrolled at the University of California Los Angeles following her graduation, and was awarded qualifications in English as well as African American Studies. DuVernay was a student at the college when she became attracted to the field of production for the broadcast media. She began her career working as an assistant at CBS News in the O.J. Simpson's trial. DuVernay recalled being asked to examine the garbage inside the house of a member on the jury. She was disappointed by her journalism tasks and decided to change to the field of public relations. DuVernay got a job right from college, working as a new publicist at a studio. The year 1999 was the time she established her own firm of public relations dubbed The DuVernay Agency. Additionally, she started a variety of lifestyle and promotional networks, including Urban Beauty Collective. Urban Eye, HelloBeautiful, and Urban Thought Collective. Autumn Riley.............................Autumn Riley was born in Los Angeles United States. The birthstone for Autumn Riley is . Autumn Riley, an American actress and popularly recognized for American Experience (1987), A More Perfect Union (2009) and A More Perfect Union (2009), was born under the sign of. Autumn appeared as Rose from A More Perfect Union as also Anna Payne from American Experience.

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